

Full Calendar


Our 2024-2025 Sponsors

Contact for more info!  

Welcome Alta Vista Families


Not already a member?

Click here to create an account and get started. 


Important Note:

Families must create an account/log-in to access our AVHSC store, directory, volunteer signups and be added to our communications distribution list. 


Upcoming Events & Important Announcements


Take a night off of cooking and help raise some money for Alta Vista!!  


Alta Vista Variety Show 2025




Practice date: Wednesday, Feb 26th starting at 4pm in the Cafeteria

Performance date: Saturday, March 8th at 10am in the Cafeteria




You will audition during the time slot chosen, in the order you appear on the signup. Students must have an adult supervising them at all times during the audition and rehearsal. 


We ask due to limited space only friends/family of the participants attend the event. We can’t make this show happen without the help of parent volunteers. There are options to help before, during, and after the show is over. Please sign up here: Donations & Volunteers


For more information email Misha Seth at

Spring Online Auction Starts March 6th

Our auction committee is busy working behind the scenes to get ready for our Spring Auction starting March 6, 2025! If any Alta Vista families or extended families have vacation rentals, timeshares, or are season ticket holders to any sporting events, please consider making a donation to our auction this year. Historically a weekend getaway to a vacation house or timeshare perform very well in the auction as do tickets to local pro team games such as the 49ers, SF Giants, Sharks, Earthquakes, and Warriors. Also, if we have anyone who is a wine club member at a local winery, please consider asking your winery if they would be willing to donate. Lastly, if any families are willing to host an event, this is another great way to help raise money for the school. Some past family hosted events are:

  • Moms and Margaritas
  • Mom’s Brunch (Mimosa’s and Indian Food)
  • Poker Night
  • Mediterranean Hosted Dinner
  • Bros, Beers, & BBQ (Dad’s Event)
  • Family friendly BBQs
  • Dandiya Night
  • Yoga and Yummy Treats Party

Please contact for any questions or to make an auction donation.


Take a night off of cooking and help raise some money for Alta Vista!!  


Please take a few minutes to fill out our Survey. The feedback will be used to help plan the Fall of 2025 Walkathon. Thank you. 

2025-2026 Board Positions Available

The Alta Vista Home & School Club is looking for people who want to be involved in our school.  We have large and small positions available next year. Also, many of these positions involve completing tasks that work around your personal schedule. 

Positions available for next year are listed below. Click on the position to get more information about each role. 

In addition to Executive Board Positions, we have a few enrichment lead, coordinator, and chair positions opening up next year. To see a full list of positions, click here. Over the next two months, we will have a better idea of exactly what positions will be opening up.


Many of the roles can be filled by up to two people if you would prefer to work with another person. Please contact if you would are considering joining the board or would like to find out more!

Reimbursement Requests 


Need a reimbursement? Use this form: Reimbursement/Check Request Form if you have made a purchase for an AVHSC expense and you need to be reimbursed. (ex: Room parents funds, class party, drama club purchase, purchases made for school events, etc.)


Are you signed up to volunteer this year? Make sure to fill out the 

2024-2025 Volunteer Code of Conduct 

 Back to School Night Presentation

Click here for the slides that were shared during our presentation  

 Be sure to download the Membership Toolkit Mobile App. 


Go Alta Vista Cougars!!!


C.A.G.E. Donation Drive Meter 

Click on store to donate today!

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