AVHSC Home & School Club Board Members

Our Executive Board is made up of hard-working parents who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year. Get to know their names and faces, and feel free to ask them if you have questions. 




Lauren Jewell


Vice President of

Community and Service


Ryan Greco



Co-Vice President of



April Benoit



Co-Vice President of



Lindsay Hogan


Vice President of


Misha Seth



Director of Membership


Nadia Ramos





Jen Tuffley


Corresponding Secretary


Farrah Hoehne


Recording Secretary


Amy Meyer





Taryn Gaona 




Ellen Harris Pierpoint




➢   President: Preside at all meetings of the AVHSC and of the Executive Board and be a member ex officio of all committees; attend all Union School District Board Meetings or designate another AVHSC Board member to attend; set and publish the agenda for every meeting of the Executive Board. The President will hold administrative rights to all AVHSC logins and password including but not limited to cloud-based storage in use at the time and maintain current list. The President will review and approve all AVHSC newsletters and similar communications.
For a full list of President roles and responsibilities, click here.

➢   Vice President of Community & Service: Act as aide to the President; in the absence of the President, the Vice President shall assume the President's duties; shall chair the AVHSC Grant Committee; and shall oversee community and service activities of AVHSC and the school.
For a full list of VP of Community & Service roles and responsibilities, click here
➢   Treasurer/Co-Treasurer: Receive and deposit all monies for AVHSC; keep a record of all receipts and disbursements; shall record and reconcile all accounts; present a statement of account at every regular business meeting; make a full annual report to the membership at the first general membership meeting.
For a full list of Treasurer roles and responsibilities, click here.

➢   Vice President of Fundraising: Oversee and coordinate the efforts of the various internal and external (Walk a Thon, Auction, Sponsorships, dining for dollars events, etc.) fundraising committees; and shall act as liaison between the board and fundraising committees.
For a full list of VP of Fundraising roles and responsibilities, click here. 

➢   Vice President of Enrichment: Oversee and coordinate the efforts of the various student enrichment programs, such as Art Vistas, Clay, Cornerstone, Mileage Club, etc. The Vice President of Enrichment shall also act as a liaison between the Executive Board and the various enrichment committees; and be the liaison for the Room Parent Coordinator.
For a full list of VP of Enrichment roles and responsibilities, click here

➢   Recording Secretary: Keep an accurate record (including electronic cloud-based storage of such records) of proceedings of the Executive Board and the General Membership, and shall be prepared to refer to the minutes of any previous meeting. The Recording Secretary shall ensure that the AVHSC meetings agendas, minutes, and treasurer reports are published on the AVHSC website. This is a great entry level role!
For a full list of Recording Secretary roles and responsibilities, click here.

➢   Corresponding Secretary: Conduct all necessary correspondence of AVHSC, shall be responsible for sending out notices to the General Membership via email, AVHSC web page updates, and social media, and shall regularly update the marquee outside the school.
For a full list of Corresponding Secretary roles and responsibilities, click here.
➢   Auditor: Audit the books of AVHSC semi-annually and render a written report to AVHSC by the first Executive Board meeting of the next school year; conduct a semi-annual audit prior to the February Board meeting. 
For a full list of Auditor roles and responsibilities, click here.

➢   Director of Membership: Conduct the annual membership donation drive; maintain a roster of membership and publish a membership directory annually; maintain the online AVHSC store; and report to the Executive Board membership information as needed.
For a full list of Membership roles and responsibilities, click here. 
➢   Parliamentarian: (Note: This position is appointed by the President and not an elected position) Attend all regular business meetings and meetings of the Executive Board when requested to do so; give advice concerning parliamentary procedure when in order, and shall serve as the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee. The Parliamentarian shall be responsible for presenting a slate of potential Board members to the Nominating Committee. The Parliamentarian shall advertise all Board and standing committee positions for the upcoming election, including any vacancies, to the general membership.
For a full list of Parliamentarian responsibilities, click here